Again, sorry for the sluggish response.
On 07/20/11 15:15, Gary Palmer wrote:
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 02:26:34PM -0500, Paul Keusemann wrote:
On 07/07/11 14:39, Chuck Swiger wrote:
On Jul 7, 2011, at 4:45 AM, Paul Keusemann wrote:
My setup is something like this:
- My local network is a mix of AIX, HP-UX, Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris
machines running various OS versions.
- My gateway / firewall machine is running FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-p1 with
ipfw, nat and racoon for the firewall and VPN.
The problem is that rlogin, ssh and telnet connections over the VPN get
dropped after some period of inactivity.
You're probably getting NAT timeouts against the VPN connection if it is
left idle. racoon ought to have a config setting called natt_keepalive
which sends periodic keepalives-- see whether that's disabled.
Thanks for the suggestions Chuck, sorry it's taken so long to respond
but I had to reconfigure and rebuild my kernel to enable IPSEC_NAT_T in
order to try this out.
One thing that I did not explicitly mention before is that I am routing
a network over the VPN.
Hi Paul,
Even if you are not being NAT'd on the VPN there may be a firewall (or
other active network component like a load balancer) with an
overflowing state table somewhere at the remote end. We see this
frequently where I work with customer networks and the firewall/VPN/network
admin denies that its a time out issue so there is likely some device in
the network that has a state table and if the connection is idle for a
few minutes it gets dropped.
Hmmm, this seems likely. Have you had any luck in finding the culprit
and resolving the problem?
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Paul Keusemann
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