On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 09:52:14AM -0700, Jack Vogel wrote:
> Adam,
> The TX ring for the legacy driver is small right now compared to em, try
> this experiment,
> edit if_lem.c, search for "lem_txd" and change EM_DEFAULT_TXD to 1024, see
> what
> that does, then 2048.
> My real strategy with the legacy code was that it should stable, meaning not
> getting
> a lot of changes... that really hasn't worked out over time. I suppose I'll
> have to try and
> give it some tweaks and let you try it. The problem with this code is it
> technically supports
> a huge range of old stuff we don't test any more, things I do might cause
> other regressions :(
> Oh well, let me know if increasing the TX descriptors helps.
> Jack

Is this the same thing as adjusting these values?:


If so I've maxed this out and it's not helping.  I'll give it a shot on my 
8-STABLE box as it has a kernel I can play with.

Setting the MTU to 1500 gave lower throughput.

Adam Stylinski
PGP Key: http://pohl.ececs.uc.edu/~adam/publickey.pub
Blog: http://technicallyliving.blogspot.com

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