On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 11:54:31AM +0100, Paul Thornton wrote:
> On 19/04/2011 23:09, YongHyeon PYUN wrote:
> > Here is experimental patch for BCM57765 family controllers. I
> > don't have these controllers so the patch was not tested at all
> > except compile. Recent Broadcom controllers like BCM57765 support
> > EEE(Energy Efficient Ethernet) feature but it is not yet supported
> > by the patch.
> Many thanks for this patch.
> The patch wouldn't apply cleanly to either the 8.2-release source or to
> the latest if_bge / if_bgereg so I had to do it manually; but that
> wasn't too much of a problem.  What revision should I have tried to
> apply the patch to?

The patch was generated against latest HEAD.

> Things are not fully working yet after the patch is applied though.
> The current state is that the device is recognised, MAC address detected
> OK, link state detected OK; you can ifconfig up the interface without a
> problem.  However, I'm seeing "bge0: watchdog timeout -- resetting"
> messages shortly after attempting to ping something on the LAN.  The
> machine being pinged doesn't show up in the ARP cache.
> Looking at the switch that its connected to, I see the mac address
> learned on the port, and the received packet and byte counts
> incrementing with no errors so I believe that the machine is
> successfully transmitting frames but not able to receive them properly.
>  The switch stats show that the switch is transmitting frames to the
> machine.
> > Also it would good to see the output of "pciconf -lcbv" and dmesg
> > after applying the patch.
> The machine in question is a 2010 Mac Mini (model rev A1347) - this has
> a number of "features" that make FreeBSD an interesting challenge.  The
> kernel I'm using is a normal 8.2-GENERIC with another very minor tweak
> to stop the Nvidia MCP89 ata controller from being used in SATA mode
> (this doesn't work - Linux has a workaround based on using UDMA).

Hmm, NVIDIA controller again. See my other posting to this thread.

> Attached is a dmesg, pciconf, and the output of sysctl -a dev.bge.0
> after the patch was applied.
> If there is any other debugging information I need to get to help please
> let me know.  Once we have this working I'll willingly give it some
> thorough proper testing.
> Thanks again,
> Paul.
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