On Apr 5, 2011, at 4:26 AM, Ingo Flaschberger wrote:

> Hi,
> I have written a patch to:
> *) reduce locking of routing table to achieve the same speed as with
>   flowtables, which do not scale with many routes:
>       use of a copy of the route
>       use rm_lock(9)
>       (idea of Andre Oppermann)
> *) implement some multipath changes to use a direct attached
>   interface route and a real route, used some OpenBSD code
> *) icmp rate-limiting in forwarding (old code from FreeBSD page)
> The patch applies at FreeBSD 8.2 stable.
> Comments are welcome, especially if I can reuse "dst" (which seems to work):
>       rtl.rt_gateway = (struct sockaddr *)dst;
> but 'm not shure if I should take same caution with bcopy regarding sa_len:
>       rtlookup_fib(struct sockaddr *dst, u_int fibnum, struct rtlookup *rtl,
> Kind regards,
>       Ingo Flaschberger
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> crossip communications gmbh
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Can you say something more about :
   "implement some multipath changes to use a direct attached
     interface route and a real route, used some OpenBSD code"

I've looked at the patch but it's not obvious to me.

P.S.: I've just saw your reply to kern/155772 and was wondering if this patch 
can help.


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