If this is auto then it SHUOLD try each media.
If hardware does not, soft must (driver must)

I know that for 1G I must use 8wire.
but I use 4wire and expect 100Mbit

Вы писали 2 марта 2011 г., 9:36:53:

lFo> Old Synopsis: 'media auto' does not work
lFo> New Synopsis: [re] 'media auto' does not work

lFo> Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-net
lFo> Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
lFo> Responsible-Changed-When: Wed Mar 2 07:36:30 UTC 2011
lFo> Responsible-Changed-Why: 
lFo> Reclassify and assign.

lFo> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=155113
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 Коньков                          mailto:kes-...@yandex.ru

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