
On 18.01.2011 12:31:20 +0100, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:

> > I'm trying to use the RT2872-based USB adapter in the hostap mode
> > on the latest RELENG_8 (8.2-PRERELEASE) for amd64.
> > [..]
> Pull that
> http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=217511
> and let me know if that fixes the issue.

I've retrieved the ieee80211_node.c and if_run.c and recompiled wlan.ko
and if_run.ko.

Here results:

Case 1: both if_run.ko and wlan_amrr.ko are loaded via loader.conf

  stable/8:  panic
  rev217511: panic

Case 2: wlan_amrr.ko loaded manually _after_ if_run.ko but before creation
of the wlan interface

  stable/8:  panic on rate control
  rev217511: no panic, but rate control doesn't work; tx rate is fixed on 1 

Case 3: wlan_amrr.ko loaded _before_ if_run.ko

  stable/8:  panic on rate control
  rev217511: no panic, rate control works as expected

So rev217511 partially fixes the issue.

Alexander Zagrebin
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