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On 09-01-2011 20:42, Francisco Reyes wrote:
> Found a couple of good lagg tutorials
> http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/freebsd-network-link-aggregation-trunking/
> http://wisekuma.net/linux-bsd/freebsd-lagg/
> But there are a few things that I can't find so far...
> Does one need a third card to reach the machine where one runs lagg?
> Say I have em0 and em1, do I assign actual IPs to the cards before
> adding them to lagg or they can't have IPs of their own?
> Other than lacp protocol do the other options work without having to
> change anything at the switch?
> My situation is as follows:
> Have two connections, 1 T1 and a cable connection.
> Need to, temporarily, allow outbound traffic between both.

I'm afraid you've misunderstood how lagg works.

lagg is for bundling _layer 2_ links. This basically means you can use
two or more physical cables to the same switch, to get better speed
and/or redundancy.

Using lagg to bundle two uplinks to two different providers will not work
as you intend. You need to look into using pf or something similar to
balance layer 3 traffic across two uplinks. I have had this running at
home for years with pf, and it works great.

Best regards

Thomas Steen Rasmussen
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