In message <>,  
Freddie Cash <> wrote:

>On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette
><> wrote:
>> I don't want the DHCP stuff to set -no- routes at all... I still do
>> want it to create a route to =C2=A0I just don't want it
>> make any change to the default route that would otherwise be set,
>> you know, as a result of the defaultrouter=3D statement in my /etc/rc.con=
>> file.
>> So is there a nice clean & simple way to get the DHCP stuff to only
>> create just that route to , while leaving the default
>> route alone?
>dhclient doesn't set that route.  The kernel's networking code
>automatically creates a route for the subnet when you add the IP to
>the interface.

Ah!  Yes!  Right.  The ifconfig.  I forgot about that.  Thanks.

OK, so if I tell the DHCP stuff to set no routes, then the ifconfig will
setup the route for and all else will remain unmolested.

That sounds perfect to me.  Thanks.
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