Pyun YongHyeon ( [10.11.13 01:01] wrote:
> Please be more specific for the issue. Your description is hard to
> narrow down possible cause.
> > i was sure it is the problem of the onboard rt nics ...
> > 
> pciconf output of all re(4) controllers are useless because the
> vendor uses the same device id. Please show me the output of dmesg
> which will contain necessary information to identify your
> controller revision.

oh, sorry :(

here is what you say:

the integrated onboard nic:
re0: <RealTek 8168/8111 B/C/CP/D/DP/E PCIe Gigabit Ethernet> port 0xe800-0xe8ff 
mem 0xfafff000-0xfaffffff,0xfaff8000-0xfaffbfff irq 17 at device 0.0 on pci2
re0: Using 1 MSI messages
re0: Chip rev. 0x28000000
re0: MAC rev. 0x00000000
miibus0: <MII bus> on re0
rgephy0: <RTL8169S/8110S/8211B media interface> PHY 1 on miibus0
rgephy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 
1000baseT-FDX, auto
re0: Ethernet address: 48:5b:39:d2:1d:89
re0: [FILTER]

external PCI nic:
re1: <D-Link DGE-528(T) Gigabit Ethernet Adapter> port 0xd800-0xd8ff mem 
0xfbeffc00-0xfbeffcff irq 17 at device 0.0 on pci1
re1: Chip rev. 0x10000000
re1: MAC rev. 0x00000000
miibus1: <MII bus> on re1
rgephy1: <RTL8169S/8110S/8211B media interface> PHY 1 on miibus1
rgephy1:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 
1000baseT-FDX, auto
re1: Ethernet address: 00:21:91:f4:5f:e4
re1: [FILTER]

all that data i was posting here before (several months ago) and
nothing changed since that time 

due to production state of the boxes i was forced finally to switch to
external nics and to configure it with vlans and even to unplug the
cable of the onboard nic

since nic with plugged cable but without assigned ip address did begin
flap (may be it's specific of the swith it plugged in, it is TP-Link
TL-SG5426 but no other nic behaves this way)

i have 7 boxes of this configuration and all 6 are running
now on external nics

if i can provide any debug/info/e.t.c. please let me know, i'd be
happy it'd work at last :)
Zeus V. Panchenko
IT Dpt., IBS ltd                                        GMT+2 (EET)
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