On 2010-Sep-22 14:32:52 -0400, Carlos Kamtha <kam...@ak-labs.net> wrote:
>To solve this problem, i plugged out the network cable and plugged it back in. 
>a.) Could this be an issue with the driver on this release for em0? 

Possibly - there have been some issues with em(4) and some chipsets.
Alternatively, it could equally well have been a glitch on the
associated switchport.

>b.) Why was I not able to ssh to the client servers while the NFS server was 

Logging into a client entails filesystem accesses and if any of those
filesystems are NFS mounted then those accesses will block if the NFS
server is non-responding.  Note that by default, sshd will search /lib,
/usr/lib and /usr/local/lib (as well as subordinate compat libraries)
to dlopen() nss modules - which means that a local root and /usr could
still block if you have a NFS mounted /usr/local.

Peter Jeremy

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