Hi friends, I need to know if mpd5 can do something similar to:
"/usr/local/sbin/megtty -R 30 /dev/cuau0"
"rings 2 in mgetty.config"
exactly what I need it's something similar to -R 30 and ring 2
that gave me the same functionality.
BUT with mpd5, i'm running 8.1, I got mpd5 with 2 profiles,
one dial-out (ISP, works OK!) and one dial-in (From external to my home
for dialin I run "mpd5 dialin" (see below)
but when I dial into my server mpd5 answer the phone inmediatly,
I don't want this, I want a similar functionality like mgetty with -R
and "rings 2" option, I need to dial and make let's say 2,3 or four rings
and then hung up,
mpd5 will never answer this call and when I hung up mpd5 will wait for a
call and then when
I dial again in a period of 20 to 30 seconds this will tell mpd5 that it's
conection attempt and answer the call otherwise dont's answer it.
All this because in my home my wife use the phone too :)
and I dont't want any friends call get this noise in his ears!
below my dialin: section:
ps: oh! sorry for my english ( not my native languaje :] )
#DIAL-IN CONF in mpd.conf
create bundle static B1
set iface idle 900
set ipcp ranges
create link static L1 modem
set link action bundle B1
set link no chap eap
set link enable pap
set link max-redial -1
set auth authname user_ppp
set modem device /dev/cuau0
set modem var $DialPrefix "DT"
set modem idle-script AnswerCall
set link enable incoming
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