Thanks Andre,
        I'm hoping not to get too distracted by which algorithms I want 
supported. To answer directly, I want the FIPS-140-2 algorithms in block modes 
and optionally the Suite-B NSA stuff too.

        But the main thrust of my question is not what algs are supported by 
what parts... but instead, are their PCIe attachable crypto co-processors with 
current vendor support for FreeBSD8.x?

        I appreciated your pointers to VIA and various MIPS and specifically 
octeon processors. And I am newly enlightened by your pointers to very new 
Intel parts coming out with cipher/hash support... that may help me in the near 
future. But at the moment, I am currently bound to Intel parts without the AES 
feature set.

        If anyone else reading this thread want's to chime in with info about 
current supported crypto co-processors that plug in via PCIe, please drop a 

Ricky Charlet
Adara Networks
USA 408-433-4942

-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Oppermann []
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 11:07 PM
To: Ricky Charlet
Subject: Re: seeking current supported crypto co-processors

On 03.09.2010 02:35, Ricky Charlet wrote:
> Howdy, <this messages is cross posted in freebsd-security and freebsd-net>
> I'm seeking current cryptographic coprocessors supported in FreeBSD 8.x.  By 
> perusing through the
> crypto-dev (and subsequently referenced) man page(s) I found this list: Hifn
> 7751/7951/7811/7955/7956 crypto accelerator SafeNet 1141/1741 Bluesteel 
> 5501/5601 Broadcom
> bcm5801/5802/5805/5820/5821/5822/5823/5825
> Those are all pretty old (and in some cases, no longer existent). I'm 
> surveying these lists to
> see if anyone knows of more modern chips working with FreeBSD 8.x. Or if you 
> feel some chip on
> the list above is up to the task of near about 1 Gb throughput across a PCIe 
> and has friendly
> vendor support for FreeBSD, I'd sure like to hear about that too.

What cypto algorithms do you need?  Stream encryption and/or PKI KEX?

For AES stream encrpytion there are some CPU's that directly support
the crypto primitives on the silicon.  For newer x86/amd64 CPU's see:

A number of VIA x86 CPU's have supported a set of crypto algorithms
inlcuding stream cyphers, cryptographic hashing and RSA for quite some
time on their silicon.

Other than that there are some embedded crypto engines with their own
(mostly MIPS based) single and multi-core CPU's.  AKAIK they have a
FreeBSD API and the FreeBSD MIPS port should work on at least some of

Cavium also has some plug-in crypto accelerator cards under the brand
name Nitrox.  IIRC they have some drivers for FreeBSD available.

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