On 10 July 2010 19:27, Shteryana Shopova <syr...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As some of you may know, I've been awarded a grant by the FreeBSD
> Foundation to make several improvements to FreeBSD's SNMP daemon. The
> first part of the project - a module for monitoring wireless
> networking under FreeBSD - is now completed and I'd really appreciate
> if I could get some help in more extensive testing in a wider range of
> wireless networking usage scenarios. A tarbal of the latest sources of
> the module is available under

I've already emailed you about the alignment warnings.

The returned error value is an SNMPv2 error (SNMP_ERR_INCONS_VALUE)
which causes v1 requests to error out. Is it at all possible to return
something valid if a v1 request is made?

snmpwalk'ing to inspect what -is- returned fails, even when querying in v2 mode:

BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB::wlanIfaceDot11nRIFS."wlan0" = INTEGER: false(2)
BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB::wlanIfaceDot11nShortGI."wlan0" = INTEGER: false(2)
BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB::wlanIfaceDot11nSMPSMode."wlan0" = INTEGER: disabled(1)
Error in packet.
Reason: (genError) A general failure occured
Failed object: BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB::wlanIfaceDot11nSMPSMode."wlan0"

The daemon logs errors when features aren't supported by the
underlying driver (eg querying TDMA stats on a non-TDMA interface.)
This may hide any actual underlying issues.

It isn't immediately clear which parameters are related to station and
which are related to hostap. Eg, wlanIfaceBeaconMissedThreshold. Is
that the station threshold or the AP threshold? Would it be worthwhile
creating separate branches for different stat types (station, ap, TDMA
AP, dot11n stuff, etc, etc?) rather than whacking it all together in
one tree?

I've not seen binary string indexing values on tables before. Eg:

BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB::wlanIfacePeerAddress."wlan0".'...$..'.61 =
STRING: 0:11:24:c7:e4:3d
BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB::wlanIfacePeerAddress."wlan0".'..#2'.'.219 =
STRING: 0:23:32:27:fc:db
BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB::wlanIfacePeerAssociationId."wlan0".'...$..'.61 =

Is that going to be portable to different utilities? Some of the code
I've seen (and written!) expect numeric table indexes rather than what
I see above.

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