Maciej Suszko <> wrote:
> > So as you write they should set: ??
> > (my ip on gif device) <-> 78.x <-> 95.x <->
> > (other side)
> Yes, indeed.
> > And additionaly I thing I should correct set spd policy to:
> > 
> > spdadd any -P out ipsec
> > esp/tunnel/78.x.x.x-95.x.x.x/require;
> > spdadd any -P in ipsec
> > esp/tunnel/95.x.x.x-78.x.x.x/require;
> > 
> > Am I wrong?
> No, you're right :)
> You can set up the tunnel first - check whether both 10. are accessible
> from both sides, then you "cover" communication between them with IPSEC.

Will this sort of GIF tunnel interoperate with Cisco and/or Checkpoint
VPN equipment?  In our tests we were able to use pure IPSEC tunnel
encapsulation to interoperate with these sorts of devices, so we never
found a need for GIF encapsulation.

David DeSimone == Network Admin ==
  "I don't like spinach, and I'm glad I don't, because if I
   liked it I'd eat it, and I just hate it." -- Clarence Darrow

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