
I try to set VPN like I wrote earlier.
78.x is server and this is not NAT. He dont forward anything.

>> I try to configure VPN over my server and my client
>> Sheme is like this
>> 78.x.x.x <--> 95.x.x.x <-->
> Are you trying to set up IPSEC tunneling of networks behind these
> gateways, or are you only trying to secure traffic between the peers
> themselves?

I try to set tunnel behing my server 78.x and gateway 95.x translating
packets to 10.x. I can only set 78.x side.

> The fact that you don't receive any reply to your IKE packets would
> indicate something basic, like something is blocking traffic.

But how to check it? Telnet to port 500 wont work. But when I set SSH to
listen on port 500 I can login, port is not blocked

>> # setkey -DP
>>[any] 78.x.x.x[any] any
>>      in ipsec
>>      esp/tunnel/95.x.x.x-78.x.x.x/require
>>      created: Jun 22 15:39:25 2010  lastused: Jun 22 15:39:25 2010
>>      lifetime: 0(s) validtime: 0(s)
>>      spid=16461 seq=1 pid=83142
>>      refcnt=1
>> 78.x.x.x[any][any] any
>>      out ipsec
>>      esp/tunnel/78.x.x.x-95.x.x.x/require
>>      created: Jun 22 15:39:25 2010  lastused: Jun 22 15:40:50 2010
>>      lifetime: 0(s) validtime: 0(s)
>>      spid=16460 seq=0 pid=83142
>>      refcnt=1
> Your IPSEC policy specifies "esp/tunnel" mode, but if you are not
> actually encapsulating traffic originating from somewhere else, you
> might do better to just use "transport" mode to encrypt without
> encapsulation.

Hmmm, I don't understand it? I set policy only for there IP's and
connection for it is ESP encrypced

>> And tcpdump
>> #tcpdump -i bce1 host 95.x.x.x 
>> 15:53:47.355130 IP 78.x.x.x.isakmp > 95.x.x.x.isakmp: isakmp: phase 1 I
>> ident
>> 15:54:07.003371 IP 78.x.x.x.isakmp > 95.x.x.x.isakmp: isakmp: phase 1 I
>> ident
>> 15:57:39.067765 IP 78.x.x.x.isakmp > 95.x.x.x.isakmp: isakmp: phase 1 I
>> ident
> My first thought was that your IPSEC policy attempts to encrypt all
> traffic between you and your peers, but the IKE traffic is also traffic
> between you and your peers, so doesn't it lead to a policy loop of some
> sort?  Will the IPSEC layer attempt to capture and encrypt the IKE
> packets?

Can you explain how can I check it? I new on it and I don't understand
some things.

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