On 30 November 2009 20:20, Doug Ambrisko <ambri...@ambrisko.com> wrote:
> pluknet writes:
> [ Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, converting... ]
> | 2009/11/6 Doug Ambrisko <ambri...@freebsd.org>:
> | > Author: ambrisko
> | > Date: Fri Nov ?6 17:58:44 2009
> | > New Revision: 198994
> | > URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/198994
> | >
> | > Log:
> | > ?MFC: Merge in minimal 5709/5716 support into 6.X extracted from current.
> | > ?This is not a direct merge since I tried to only extra the changes to
> | > ?support the 5709 from all of the other changes that have happened in
> | > ?head. ?This should not introduce any issues that the other changes may
> | > ?have caused. ?We have been running this code for months on Dell r710's.
> | > ?It has been lightly tested on systems with 5716's.
> | >
> | > ?This is to allow people to run newer hardware on 6.X.
> |
> | Very nice. Thank you.
> |
> | I'm afraid not all the chunks were merged since I cannot run on 6.x
> | with my BCM5709.
> |
> | FreeBSD 7.2 - works
> | FreeBSD 6.4-stable - does not
> |
> | It locks up somewhere in the late stage of multiuser (usually in a
> | random step of rc.d) and getty cannot take the control.
> | Here it still pings via network, I can achieve ssh stage where ssh
> | warns me "The authenticity of host '$HOST' can't be established."
> | If I type "yes", then it stops here and no go. After return from ddb
> | it stops even ping until next reboot.
> |
> | I use boot via NFS/PXE, so it may interfere there, since rc.d usually
> | write something to disk, which is NFS-mounted here.
> | So it probably could run fine if booting from a local disk (I can't
> | test this setup).
> You might try to instrument the rc stuff even though you mention it
> appears random.  Might try to make sure that it isn't re-initializing
> the network or something like that.  I tried with a fresh checkout
> of 6-stable and I PXE booted it fine.  A side note is that Dell's
> have a bug with their uarts starting with the 2950 rev 2 in which
> the TX does work with the speed that we do the reset.  RX works
> fine so you can recover it with a {Ctrl}d since it doesn't always
> fail.
> | I've attached dmesg (doesn't differs much from 7.2) and some ddb output 
> below.
> | Looking in alltrace I see no obvious lockups, no nfs stuck. But
> | sometimes sh stucks somewhere in nfsreq.
> |
> | The same box boots fine via NFS on different NFS setup with 7.2,
> | a different (in h/w) box boots fine on these NFS setup and NFS root,
> | so no mistakes in setup part.
> |
> | I remember that back to August I tried to boot 6.4 with what is in bce
> | of RELENG_7 on this box and it booted fine and I xmitted some traffic
> | with it.
> | So I guess the problem is in NFS-boot.
> |
> | I'll try to find ways to boot the system locally and report back..
> I didn't see anything in the logs.
> Doug A.

For archives:
It tried to boot 6.4-STABLE one more time recently and all's fine.
Shame on me and sorry for noise.

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