Doug Barton <> wrote
  in <>:

do> As we've previously discussed, I would like to un-obsolete ipv6_enable,
do> and return it to the status of being the knob that actually controls
do> whether or not we configure IPv6. My understanding is that the consensus
do> is in agreement with this change, however I'm posting my proposed patch
do> (minus the rc.conf(5) change) just in case. If you have any objection,
do> please speak up sooner rather than later.

 I do not think we reached the consensus on reverting the change.  In
 my understanding there are people who want $ipv6_enable but the
 reason why is they just feel they need a way to disable the

 The current implementation is based on a concept of "to enable IPv6
 all you need is simply adding an IPv6 GUA to the interface", which is
 the same as what we have for IPv4 configuration, and it has an
 additional seatbelt to prevent unexpected IPv6 communication when
 ipv6_prefer=NO (default).

 The $ipv6_enable does not disable the functionality actually contrary
 to people's expectation, and another problem is that what will be
 done by such per-protocol *_enable knobs are not intuitive.  After
 changing $ipv6_enable=YES (or NO), what rc.d script should be invoked
 to reflect the change, for example?  What to be done is nothing but
 configuring NICs, routes, and network options in the same way as for
 IPv4.  Because we have IPv6-enabled kernel as the GENERIC, some basic
 initialization is needed even if the sysadmin do not want to use IPv6
 at all.  I think we do not need to have $ipv6_enable since we do not
 have $ipv4_enable.

-- Hiroki

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