On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 11:21:17AM +0200, Mikolaj Golub wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently I run some tests, which create/destroy tun interface in loop, and
> after several hours my system panicked with "kmem_map too small". It has
> appeared that tun (or tap) device does not free memory after the device
> destroy:
> zhuzha:/usr/src/sys/kern% sudo vmstat -m |grep 'Type\|DEVFS1'
>          Type InUse MemUse HighUse Requests  Size(s)
>        DEVFS1   139    35K       -      157  256
> zhuzha:/usr/src/sys/kern% sudo ifconfig tun0 create          
> zhuzha:/usr/src/sys/kern% sudo vmstat -m |grep 'Type\|DEVFS1'
>          Type InUse MemUse HighUse Requests  Size(s)
>        DEVFS1   140    35K       -      159  256
> zhuzha:/usr/src/sys/kern% sudo ifconfig tun0 destroy         
> zhuzha:/usr/src/sys/kern% sudo vmstat -m |grep 'Type\|DEVFS1'
>          Type InUse MemUse HighUse Requests  Size(s)
>        DEVFS1   140    35K       -      159  256
> And when running create/destroy in loop:
>  Time          Type InUse MemUse HighUse Requests  Size(s)
> 09:20        DEVFS1   104    26K       -      113  256
> 09:25        DEVFS1  8504  2126K       -    16912  256
> 09:30        DEVFS1 31602  7901K       -    63108  256
> 09:35        DEVFS1 54316 13579K       -   108536  256
> 09:40        DEVFS1 77068 19267K       -   154040  256
> 09:45        DEVFS1 99764 24941K       -   199431  256
> 09:50        DEVFS1 122408 30602K       -   244719  256
> 09:55        DEVFS1 144689 36173K       -   289281  256
> It looks like the problem is that tun/tap_clone_create() calls make_dev() and
> then dev_ref(dev). make_dev() calls itself dev_refl(), so after device 
> creating
> we have si_refcount == 2. But on device removal (tun/tap_clone_destroy())
> dev_rel() is never called, only destroy_dev(dev), which checks that
> si_refcount is still not zero and places the dev in dead_cdevsw.d_devs list.
> And running kgdb we can see the following picture:
> (kgdb) p *dead_cdevsw.d_devs.lh_first
> $2 = {__si_reserved = 0x0, si_flags = 0, si_atime = {tv_sec = 1267218482, 
> tv_nsec = 0}, si_ctime = {
>     tv_sec = 1267218482, tv_nsec = 0}, si_mtime = {tv_sec = 1267218482, 
> tv_nsec = 0}, si_uid = 66, 
>   si_gid = 68, si_mode = 384, si_cred = 0x0, si_drv0 = 0, si_refcount = 1, 
> si_list = {
>     le_next = 0xcd183100, le_prev = 0xc0d90278}, si_clone = {le_next = 0x0, 
> le_prev = 0xc5c83b50}, 
>   si_children = {lh_first = 0x0}, si_siblings = {le_next = 0x0, le_prev = 
> 0x0}, si_parent = 0x0, 
>   si_name = 0xcaadc278 "tun0", si_drv1 = 0x0, si_drv2 = 0x0, si_devsw = 0x0, 
> si_iosize_max = 0, 
>   si_usecount = 0, si_threadcount = 0, __si_u = {__sid_snapdata = 0x0}, 
>   __si_namebuf = "tun0", '\0' <repeats 59 times>}
> (kgdb) p *dead_cdevsw.d_devs.lh_first->si_list.le_next
> $3 = {__si_reserved = 0x0, si_flags = 0, si_atime = {tv_sec = 1267218421, 
> tv_nsec = 0}, si_ctime = {
>     tv_sec = 1267218421, tv_nsec = 0}, si_mtime = {tv_sec = 1267218421, 
> tv_nsec = 0}, si_uid = 66, 
>   si_gid = 68, si_mode = 384, si_cred = 0x0, si_drv0 = 0, si_refcount = 1, 
> si_list = {
>     le_next = 0xcd183000, le_prev = 0xcaadc238}, si_clone = {le_next = 0x0, 
> le_prev = 0xc5c83b50}, 
>   si_children = {lh_first = 0x0}, si_siblings = {le_next = 0x0, le_prev = 
> 0x0}, si_parent = 0x0, 
>   si_name = 0xcd183178 "tun0", si_drv1 = 0x0, si_drv2 = 0x0, si_devsw = 0x0, 
> si_iosize_max = 0, 
>   si_usecount = 0, si_threadcount = 0, __si_u = {__sid_snapdata = 0x0}, 
>   __si_namebuf = "tun0", '\0' <repeats 59 times>}
> ... and so on.
> Is dev_ref() needed in tun_clone_create() after make_dev() call? Can't it be
> safely removed as in the patch below? I have run some tests with the patch and
> it looks like it works for me.

CHEAPCLONE is unused too. Besides this, there are two races in
the clone handling. First is that dev_clone handlers shall use
make_dev_credf(MAKEDEV_REF) instead of make_dev/dev_ref. Second is that
module unload shall drain clone events.

Please test the patch below.

diff --git a/sys/net/if_tap.c b/sys/net/if_tap.c
index 950e96c..93801f1 100644
--- a/sys/net/if_tap.c
+++ b/sys/net/if_tap.c
@@ -192,10 +192,6 @@ tap_clone_create(struct if_clone *ifc, int unit, caddr_t 
        if (i) {
                dev = make_dev(&tap_cdevsw, unit | extra,
                     UID_ROOT, GID_WHEEL, 0600, "%s%d", ifc->ifc_name, unit);
-               if (dev != NULL) {
-                       dev_ref(dev);
-                       dev->si_flags |= SI_CHEAPCLONE;
-               }
@@ -300,6 +296,7 @@ tapmodevent(module_t mod, int type, void *data)
                EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(dev_clone, eh_tag);
+               drain_dev_clone_events();
                while ((tp = SLIST_FIRST(&taphead)) != NULL) {
@@ -381,12 +378,8 @@ tapclone(void *arg, struct ucred *cred, char *name, int 
namelen, struct cdev **d
                        name = devname;
-               *dev = make_dev(&tap_cdevsw, unit | extra,
-                    UID_ROOT, GID_WHEEL, 0600, "%s", name);
-               if (*dev != NULL) {
-                       dev_ref(*dev);
-                       (*dev)->si_flags |= SI_CHEAPCLONE;
-               }
+               *dev = make_dev_credf(MAKEDEV_REF, &tap_cdevsw, unit | extra,
+                    cred, UID_ROOT, GID_WHEEL, 0600, "%s", name);
        if_clone_create(name, namelen, NULL);
diff --git a/sys/net/if_tun.c b/sys/net/if_tun.c
index 37b5e70..1fa02ac 100644
--- a/sys/net/if_tun.c
+++ b/sys/net/if_tun.c
@@ -188,10 +188,6 @@ tun_clone_create(struct if_clone *ifc, int unit, caddr_t 
                /* No preexisting struct cdev *, create one */
                dev = make_dev(&tun_cdevsw, unit,
                    UID_UUCP, GID_DIALER, 0600, "%s%d", ifc->ifc_name, unit);
-               if (dev != NULL) {
-                       dev_ref(dev);
-                       dev->si_flags |= SI_CHEAPCLONE;
-               }
        tuncreate(ifc->ifc_name, dev);
@@ -237,12 +233,8 @@ tunclone(void *arg, struct ucred *cred, char *name, int 
                        name = devname;
                /* No preexisting struct cdev *, create one */
-               *dev = make_dev(&tun_cdevsw, u,
+               *dev = make_dev_credf(MAKEDEV_REF, &tun_cdevsw, u, cred,
                    UID_UUCP, GID_DIALER, 0600, "%s", name);
-               if (*dev != NULL) {
-                       dev_ref(*dev);
-                       (*dev)->si_flags |= SI_CHEAPCLONE;
-               }
        if_clone_create(name, namelen, NULL);
@@ -303,6 +295,7 @@ tunmodevent(module_t mod, int type, void *data)
        case MOD_UNLOAD:
                EVENTHANDLER_DEREGISTER(dev_clone, tag);
+               drain_dev_clone_events();
                while ((tp = TAILQ_FIRST(&tunhead)) != NULL) {

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