Jon Otterholm <> wrote:
> If I restart racoon or wait approximately 30 min the connection is
> re-established.

Since this is approximately ½of the phase 2 lifetime, you are probably
running into lifetime negotiation issues, or PFS issues.

> What would be the obvious way to debug this?  Any suggestions on what
> to tweak appreciated. 

I would turn up the debugging on racoon to get more information around
the time that the tunnel fails.

> sainfo  (address any address any)
> {
>     pfs_group       1;
>     lifetime        time    3600 sec;
>     encryption_algorithm    des;
>     authentication_algorithm        hmac_md5,hmac_sha1;
>     compression_algorithm   deflate;
> }

My hunch is that you have a PFS mismatch, so that the first tunnel
negotiates, but the second SA negotiation fails, then the third
succeeds, etc.

David DeSimone == Network Admin ==
  "I don't like spinach, and I'm glad I don't, because if I
   liked it I'd eat it, and I just hate it." -- Clarence Darrow

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