There are significant changes to igb forthcoming, I believe I have fixed the
multiqueue problems that exist in it now, and I am working to improve the
AIM code so it handles TX and RX (this is still experimental right now
I hope it addresses your problems.


On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Pyun YongHyeon <> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 07:42:20PM +0200, Yuriy A. Korobko wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'd like to know a way to control tx interrupts on intel pro 1000 et
> > adapter with igb driver. Just installed one in the router and systat
> > shows 8-9k rx interrupts and 20k tx interrupts from igb0 and igb1
> > adapters. Box is a router running freebsd 7.2 release, I've tried
> > default driver from kernel source and latest from intel site, effect is
> > the same with automatic interrupt moderation enabled and disabled. I
> I'm also aware of this issue. Here is patch I'm currently
> experimenting. It seems igb(4) wants to dynamically adjust
> interrupt moderation on Rx traffic such that this seems to cause
> lots of Tx interrupts under heavy Rx traffic. I simply disabled
> that feature and fixed Rx handler not to generate more interrupts.
> Without Rx handler fix the igb(4) took all CPU cycles under heady
> load(64 bytes UDP torture test) I couldn't even type a character
> on console. You can get my patch at the following URL.
> The patch also includes other changes I made so it's somewhat big.
> Note, please don't apply the patch on production servers it needs
> more testing.
> > have the same box with intel pro 1000 pt adapter which have
> > tx(rx)_int_delay sysctls in em driver, I was able to reduce number of
> > tx/rx interrupts to 7-8k per interface and got much more cpu idle
> > because of less context switches with same pps.
> >
> I guess you sacrificed latencies.
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