On Monday 23 November 2009 10:13:54 am Hajimu UMEMOTO wrote:
> Hi,
> >>>>> On Sun, 22 Nov 2009 11:12:33 -0800
> >>>>> Doug Barton <do...@freebsd.org> said:
> dougb> In rc.firewall you seem to have copied afexists() from network.subr.
> dougb> Is there a reason that you did not simply source that file? That 
> dougb> be the preferred method. Also in that file you call "if afexists
> dougb> inet6" quite a few times. My preference from a performance standpoint
> dougb> would be to call it once, perhaps in a start_precmd then cache the 
> Thank you for the comments.
> Ah, yes, afexists() is only in 9-CURRENT, and is not MFC'ed into 8,
> yet.  So, I thought the patch should be able to work on both 9 and 8,
> for review.  I've changed to source network.subr for afexists().
> Calling afexists() several times was not good idea.  So, I've changed
> to call afexists() just once.
> The new patch is attached.
> dougb> And of course, you have regression tested this thoroughly, yes? :)
> dougb> Please include scenarios where there is no INET6 in the kernel as 
> Okay, I've tested it on INET6-less kernel, as well.

Some comments I have:

@@ -178,6 +212,16 @@
        # Allow any traffic to or from my own net.
        ${fwcmd} add pass all from me to ${net}
        ${fwcmd} add pass all from ${net} to me
+       if [ -n "$net6" ]; then
+               ${fwcmd} add pass ip6 from me6 to ${net6}
+               ${fwcmd} add pass ip6 from ${net6} to me6
+       fi
+       if [ -n "$net6" ]; then
+               # Allow any link-local multicast traffic
+               ${fwcmd} add pass ip6 from fe80::/10 to ff02::/16
+               ${fwcmd} add pass ip6 from ${net6} to ff02::/16
+       fi

Any reason to not use 'all' here rather than 'ip6' to match the earlier IPv4

@@ -273,6 +329,55 @@
        ${fwcmd} add deny all from to any via ${oif}
        ${fwcmd} add deny all from to any via ${oif}
+       if [ -n "$oif6" -a -n "$onet6" -a -n "$iif6" -a -n "$inet6" ]; then
+               # Stop unique local unicast address on the outside interface
+               ${fwcmd} add deny ip6 from fc00::/7 to any via ${oif6}
+               ${fwcmd} add deny ip6 from any to fc00::/7 via ${oif6}

Similarly here, why not use 'all' instead of 'ip6'?

@@ -291,7 +396,11 @@
        ${fwcmd} add pass tcp from any to me 80 setup
        # Reject&Log all setup of incoming connections from the outside
-       ${fwcmd} add deny log tcp from any to any in via ${oif} setup
+       ${fwcmd} add deny log ip4 from any to any in via ${oif} setup proto 
+       if [ -n "$oif6" -a -n "$onet6" -a -n "$iif6" -a -n "$inet6" ]; then
+               ${fwcmd} add deny log ip6 from any to any in via ${oif6} \
+                   setup proto tcp
+       fi

I would actually not use separate v6 interfaces for the 'simple' firewall
but just have 'oif', 'onet', and 'onet_ipv6' variables.  Then you don't need
this diff at all as the existing rule will work fine.

        # For services permitted below.
        ${fwcmd} add pass tcp  from me to any established
+       if [ $ipv6_available -eq 0 ]; then
+               ${fwcmd} add pass ip6 from any to any proto tcp established
+       fi

I think this extra rule here isn't needed at all as the first rule should
already match all of those packets.

        # Allow any connection out, adding state for each.
        ${fwcmd} add pass tcp  from me to any setup keep-state
        ${fwcmd} add pass udp  from me to any       keep-state
        ${fwcmd} add pass icmp from me to any       keep-state
+       if [ $ipv6_available -eq 0 ]; then
+               ${fwcmd} add pass ip6 from me6 to any proto tcp setup
+               ${fwcmd} add pass ip6 from me6 to any proto udp keep-state
+               ${fwcmd} add pass ip6 from me6 to any proto ipv6-icmp \
+                   keep-state
+       fi

I think it is more consistent to use 'pass tcp from me6 to any' similar to
the IPv4 rules here.  It is also shorter and easier to read that way IMO.

John Baldwin
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