On Sunday 15 November 2009 12:17:57 am WATANABE Kazuhiro wrote:
> Hi,
> I've tested the following NICs with your patch on CURRENT, and they
> works fine.  Thanks!
> * Corega FastEther PCI-TX (DEC 21140-AF)
> de0: <Digital 21140A Fast Ethernet> port 0xe000-0xe07f mem 
0xd9001000-0xd900107f irq 12 at device 15.0 on pci0
> de0: 21140A [10-100Mb/s] pass 2.2
> de0: Ethernet address: 00:00:f4:xx:xx:xx
> de0: [ITHREAD]
> * Acer ALN-201C (Realtek RTL8029AS)
> ed0: <RealTek 8029> port 0xe000-0xe01f irq 12 at device 15.0 on pci0
> ed0: Ethernet address: 00:60:67:xx:xx:xx
> ed0: [ITHREAD]

Great, thanks for testing!

John Baldwin
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