2009/11/10 Ermal Luçi <ermal.l...@gmail.com>:
> Hello list,
> i searched for this but could not find an answer.
> How does one build ng_vlan as part of the kernel?
> NETGRAPH_VLAN does not exist as an option to include in the kernel
> and when building ng_vlan as a module and you use a gzipped kernel
> the module doe snot load since it says kernel is a requirement!
> Is this something that has slipped over time and option
> NETGRAPH_VLAN needs to be introduced or i am really missing
> something!?

Usually an ng node addition is combined with changes to NOTES/files/options.
I'm afraid It was left out there accidentally.
Ermal, what if you try adding those bits with the patch provided and
see how it goes.


Attachment: ng_vlan_bits.patch
Description: Binary data

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