On Saturday 31 October 2009 18:46:31 Mykola Dzham wrote:
> But sometimes i receive error:
> iwn0: iwn5000_post_alive: could not configure WiMAX coexistence, error 35
> iwn0: iwn_init_locked: could not initialize hardware, error 35
> And adapter not work after this error kldunload if_iwn && kldload
> if_iwn does not fix problem, only reboot.
> If i add any other options to ifconfig wlan0 create (for example mode,
> country, or up) i always receive this error.

Does it help if you add a bit of delay between kldunload and kldload? I have 
the feeling that your device is either still powered down or gets powered down 
on the way. somewhere. I'm not able to reproduce this myself, yet I'm trying.

Thanks for the feedback!

By the way, current iwn development is done here: http://svn.techwires.net/

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