On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Daniel Roethlisberger <dan...@roe.ch> wrote:
> Lawrence Stewart <lstew...@freebsd.org> 2009-10-14:
>> Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
>> > On Friday 09 October 2009 19:08:39 Lutz Bichler wrote:
>> > > does anybody know what happened to the attempts to support
>> > > Intel WiFi 5100/5300 interfaces in the iwn-driver? Are any
>> > > patches available which could be used to start working on
>> > > support for these interfaces?
>> >
>> > I'm curious too, as I'm playing with idea to start porting
>> > the latest changes to if_iwn from OpenBSD. Already started
>> > with adding the 5000 series firmware to iwnfw...
>> Most recent effort to port Intel 5100 support that I'm aware of
>> was done by Daniel Roethlisberger (cc'd). He has the work
>> kicking around in a private svn repo. No idea what state it's
>> in though.
> I haven't had a chance to work on this for some time.  A bunch of
> other folks are interested and/or working on it.  I've added two
> of the most recently active ones to the Cc: list.
> The code in my svn repo [1] is not up to date with all the 802.11
> changes in -current.  Status is still that scanning works, but
> associating (tx actually) fails with a firmware exception.
> Brandon has made some progress on why this is happening, but no
> real fix yet I think.
> [1] https://svn.roe.ch/iwn/trunk
> --
> Daniel Roethlisberger
> http://daniel.roe.ch/

Hi everyone. Yes, it's true that I've found SOMETHING, although I'm
still investigating why that something is happening in the first
place. I'm having to work on it in between "real life", so that means
I need the working, current driver in tree most of the time. I have a
5300 in another computer I'm planning on hacking around on in the near
future so I can have both a 4965 and 5000 series test environment.

Right now, I'm reading through these:

man -k ieee80211

...and friends.

I don't know much about the technology, so I decided to start over
from the beginning, making this whole "iwn driver update" more of a
"learn FreeBSD's IEEE802.11 layer" thing (a long-term project).

So, yeah, I'll share more as I get it :)

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