The following reply was made to PR kern/137317; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: kause lotski <>
Subject: Re: kern/137317: [tcp] logs full of syncache problems
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 00:43:36 -0700 (PDT)

 perhaps some more information would help:
 I'm experiencing this on two different boxes with totally different hardware, 
one located at datacenter and connected via LAN and second one that is sitting 
on ADSL line. 
 I have tried all sysctl variables that I could find remotely related to this 
with no luck, tried compiling kernel with and without DUMMYNET
 This are  kernel customizations I use:
 options         IPFIREWALL
 options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE
 options         IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=100
 options         DUMMYNET
 options         HZ=1000    # strongly recommended
 options         IPDIVERT
 options         IPSTEALTH               #support for stealth forwarding
 options         ACCEPT_FILTER_HTTP      # Must be here or AcceptFilter won't 
work w/Apache2
 options         DEVICE_POLLING          # Imporoves network driver performance
 options         ZERO_COPY_SOCKETS
 device          coretemp                # On-die temperature sensor on Intel 
Core and newer CPUs
 Is it at least possible to turn of this checks for local IP's - it is most 
disturbing that I'm getting droped packets at apache jail to mysql jail 
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