On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, rihad wrote:

snapshot of the top -SH output in the steady state? Let top run for a few minutes and then copy/paste the first 10-20 lines into an e-mail.

Sure. Mind you: now there's only 1800 entries in each of the two ipfw tables, so any drops have stopped. But it only takes another 200-300 entries to start dropping.

Could you do the same in the net.isr.direct=1 configuration so we can compare?


155 processes: 10 running, 129 sleeping, 16 waiting
CPU:  2.4% user,  0.0% nice,  2.0% system,  9.3% interrupt, 86.2% idle
Mem: 1691M Active, 1491M Inact, 454M Wired, 130M Cache, 214M Buf, 170M Free
Swap: 2048M Total, 12K Used, 2048M Free

  15 root       171 ki31     0K    16K CPU3   3  22.4H 97.85% idle: cpu3
  14 root       171 ki31     0K    16K CPU4   4  23.0H 96.29% idle: cpu4
  12 root       171 ki31     0K    16K CPU6   6  23.8H 94.58% idle: cpu6
  16 root       171 ki31     0K    16K CPU2   2  22.5H 90.72% idle: cpu2
  13 root       171 ki31     0K    16K CPU5   5  23.4H 90.58% idle: cpu5
  18 root       171 ki31     0K    16K RUN    0  20.3H 85.60% idle: cpu0
  17 root       171 ki31     0K    16K CPU1   1 910:03 78.37% idle: cpu1
  11 root       171 ki31     0K    16K CPU7   7  23.8H 65.62% idle: cpu7
  21 root       -44    -     0K    16K CPU7   7  19:03 48.34% swi1: net
  29 root       -68    -     0K    16K WAIT   1 515:49 19.63% irq256: bce0
  31 root       -68    -     0K    16K WAIT   2  56:05  5.52% irq257: bce1
19 root -32 - 0K 16K WAIT 5 50:05 3.86% swi4: clock sio
 983 flowtools   44    0 12112K  6440K select 0  13:20  0.15% flow-capture
 465 root       -68    -     0K    16K -      3  51:19  0.00% dummynet
   3 root        -8    -     0K    16K -      1   7:41  0.00% g_up
   4 root        -8    -     0K    16K -      2   7:14  0.00% g_down
  30 root       -64    -     0K    16K WAIT   6   5:30  0.00% irq16: mfi0

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