Matthias Apitz wrote:
> Hello,
> I am wondering what could cause the following WLAN performance diff
> between a XP and 8-CURRENT laptop, sitting side by side and connected to
> the same AP:
> OS           XP               8-CURRENT
> NIC          Intel 3945ABG    Atheros 5424/2424
> Ping         6ms              116ms
> downstream   9.05Mbit/s       6.58Mbit/s
> upstream     6.58Mbit/s       4.55Mbit/s
> measured with against the same remote server
> at the same time... Any ideas?

Since you asked the question in the most generic way possible, here
are some generic answers:

1. Different hardware
        a. Different wlan cards (as you pointed out)
        b. Different laptops
        c. Different harddrives
2. Different speedtests (java, flash, etc.)
3. Different protocols (802.11[abg])
4. Different settings on the wlan cards (beacons, etc.)
5. Some sort of preference settings (user-visible or not) on the AP
that prefers one card over the other

In other words, you haven't given us nearly enough information to
determine anything useful.

hope this helps,



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