On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 12:12:05AM +0200, sth...@nethelp.no wrote:
> > Who has used tcpdump on FreeBSD 8.x and likes it?  Is it just me or is
> > it now far harder to investigate network problems using it?
> > 
> > Prior to 8.x, the default output includes SEQ number ranges for any
> > TCP packets with data, so a 'tcpdump -n' looks like the following and
> > it's immediately obvious that there's 2920 bytes of data missing:
> ...
> > The same output on 8.x looks like the following.  Whilst the last ACK
> > packet looks anomolous, there's no useful information to analyse further.
> I agree that this change is rather unhelpful. However, this is the
> default for tcpdump 4.0.0. Thus the choice is between the old tcpdump,
> the new one (with bugfixes and more protocol decoding), or possibly
> the new one plus local patches. Not an easy choice, is it?

While I agree with the original poster that you are missing some
data, I also agree that talking to the "vendors" of tcpdump is a
better way.

Peter, if you are keen on it, submit a port (net/tcpdump39) which
gives you the old functionality and alert me about it.

Edwin, who at least now knows why tcpdump on 8.0B3 did look so trange.

Edwin Groothuis         Website: http://www.mavetju.org/
ed...@mavetju.org       Weblog:  http://www.mavetju.org/weblog/
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