--- On Fri, 9/4/09, Adrian Penisoara <a...@freebsd.ady.ro> wrote:

> From: Adrian Penisoara <a...@freebsd.ady.ro>
> Subject: Re: em driver input errors
> To: alexpalias-bsd...@yahoo.com
> Cc: freebsd-net@freebsd.org
> Date: Friday, September 4, 2009, 5:11 PM
> Hi,


> First question that comes to mind is: have you tried device
> polling ?
> Looking up the thorough decscription you made it appears
> not to.

Yes, I did try it.  I mentioned it in a followup mail (I had scheduled 
maintenance one week from my first message, and with that occasion I booted a 
kernel with support for polling).

The polling only increased latency, and got me way more errors, and more 
consistently.  If you look at the graphs linked below, instead of having those 
35 errors/sec spikes several times per day, I was constantly exceeding 100 
errorrs/s, with no error-free parts.

I will admit I only had HZ=1000 in the kernel config file.

The next step will probably be trying 8.0-RELEASE after it seems stable enough 
on a test machine.

I might try setting polling mode back on for a few hours, and posting graphs.

Links to the errors/s and packets/s graphs:

> Please check the polling(4) manual page and Luigi's page
> [1] for
> detailed information. Basically it switches the device
> driver from
> interrupt mode to polling mode, allowing to specify the
> user/system
> CPU usage fraction.
> [1] http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/polling/
> Regards,
> Adrian Penisoara
> EnterpriseBSD

Thanks for the help

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