* Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz> [090525 10:27] wrote:
> Sam Wun wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >This seems a common question, but it is a bit different.
> >Production OS: FreeBSD 6.2
> >Source OS: FreeBSD 7.2
> >
> >I created a jailed mysql 5.1 in my source OS FreeBSD 7.2, and then tar
> As you can see, there is different libc.so version, different threading 
> library, etc.
> So you can't run MySQL daemon build on different major version OS.

You should be able to provided that you install the compat
libraries.  You may also need to use the libmap.conf
facility to fixup threading library to point to libthr but I
am unsure.

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