On Apr 30, 2009, at 3:04 PM, Nikolay Denev wrote:

I think I got it.

It seems that the mbuf fields m_pkthdr.len and m_len are not updated to the real packet size pkt_len. Well, actually they are updated, but only if we have ZERO_COPY_SOCKETS defined.

After I added this :

   m0->m_pkthdr.len = m0->m_len = pkt_len;

at about line 5930 in if_bce.c, the frame length reported by tcpdump seems correct.

P.S.: I guess this could be the cause for the lagg(4) over bce(4) problems too?

P.S.2: This fix will probably break the ZERO_COPY_SOCKETS case, but should be fairly easy to make it a "proper" fix.

Niki Denev

I can confirm that with this fix I was able to create lagg(4) interface in "failover" mode with only one member, a bce(4) interface, and it seems to work OK.

Here is the patch :

--- sys/dev/bce/if_bce.c.orig   2009-04-30 14:06:54.000000000 +0200
+++ sys/dev/bce/if_bce.c        2009-04-30 14:11:32.000000000 +0200
@@ -5926,6 +5926,11 @@
                        goto bce_rx_int_next_rx;

+               /* Adjust the packet length to match the received data. */
+               m0->m_pkthdr.len = m0->m_len = pkt_len;
                /* Send the packet to the appropriate interface. */
                m0->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp;

Niki Denev

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