Bill Moran wrote:
In response to Daniel Dias Gonçalves <>:

Very good thinking, congratulations, but my need is another.
The objective is a Captive Porrtal that each authentication is dynamically created a rule to ALLOW or COUNT IP authenticated, which I'm testing is what is the maximum capacity of rules supported, therefore simultaneous user.

Understand ?

If you're only doing allow, then you'd be better off using a table,
which has much better performance than a bunch of separate rules.

If you're counting packets, I don't know if that approach will work
or not.

if u need to count ip traffic for all clients u can use sipmple and more performance rule set, like this one:


ipfw pipe 100 config bw 0 mask src-ip 0xffffffff
ipfw pipe 100 config bw 0 mask dst-ip 0xffffffff

ipfw add 100 pipe 100 ip from ${LOCAL_NET} to any out
ipfw add 200 pipe 200 ip from any to ${LOCAL_NET} in
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