ovi freebsd wrote:
Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 5:07 PM, Ingo Flaschberger <i...@xip.at> wrote:
Dear Kaushal,
I have two lan cards em0 and rl0 on my system. is there a way to
know on
freebsd which is onboard or pci card ?. The issue is my system is
remote location.
perhaps lspci -v helps.
or something like dmidecode (at linux, does not know the freebsd name),
then you can readout the mb-name.
Kind regards,
Ingo Flaschberger
Hi Ingo
I did pciconf -lv and ran dmidecode. I could not figure it out which
one was
onboard or pci ?
Do you want me to paste the output of that commands
Please suggest
Thanks and Regards
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It is possible to find you the manufacturer of the motherboard? If
yes, it would be easy to know which is onboard and which is on PCI
since are different network chipsets.
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As an extension of this, what CPU is in the machine? I have never seen
an AMD motherboard come with an onboard Intel controller. That is not to
say that one doesn't exist, but that it is very rare.
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