Robert Watson wrote:
On Fri, 10 Apr 2009, Karim Fodil-Lemelin wrote:

Is there any plans on getting the mbuf tags sub-system integrated with the universal memory allocator? Getting tags for mbufs is still calling malloc in uipc_mbuf.c ... What would be the benefits of using uma instead?

Hi Karim:

Right now there are no specific plans for changes along these lines, although we have talked about moving towards better support for deep objects in m_tags. Right now, MAC requires a "deep" copy, because labels may be complex objects, and this is special-cased in the m_tag code. One way to move in that direction would be to move from an explicit m_tag free pointer to a pointer to a vector of copy, free, etc, operations. This would make it easier to support more flexible memory models there, rather than forcing the use of malloc(9).

That said, malloc(9) for "small" memory types is essentially a thin wrapper accounting around a set of fixed-size UMA zones:

ITEM SIZE LIMIT USED FREE REQUESTS FAILURES 16: 16, 0, 3703, 966, 55930783, 0 32: 32, 0, 1455, 692, 30720298, 0 64: 64, 0, 4794, 1224, 38352819, 0 128: 128, 0, 3169, 341, 5705218, 0 256: 256, 0, 1565, 535, 48338889, 0 512: 512, 0, 386, 494, 9962475, 0 1024: 1024, 0, 66, 354, 3418306, 0 2048: 2048, 0, 314, 514, 29945, 0 4096: 4096, 0, 250, 279, 4567645, 0

For larger memory sizes, malloc(9) becomes instead a thin wrapper around VM allocation of kernel address space and pages. So as long as you're using smaller objects, malloc(9) actually offers most of the benefits of slab allocation.

Because m_tag(9) is an interface used for a variety of base system and third party parts, changes to the KPI would need to be made with a major FreeBSD release -- for example with 8.0. Such a change is definitely not precluded at this point, but in a couple of months we'll hit feature freeze and it won't be possible to make those changes after that time.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
Hi Robert,

Thank you for the answer, clear and concise. I asked the question because I had modified pf_get_mtag() to use uma directly in the hope that it would be faster then calling malloc. But since pf_mtag is 20bytes, malloc will end up using a fixed 32bytes zone and I shouldn't expect much speed gain from using something like (except some savings from not having to select the 32bytes zone):

extern uma_zone_t pf_mtag_zone;
static __inline struct pf_mtag *
pf_get_mtag(struct mbuf *m)
 struct m_tag    *mtag;

 if ((mtag = m_tag_find(m, PACKET_TAG_PF, NULL)) == NULL) {
   mtag = uma_zalloc(pf_mtag_zone, M_NOWAIT);
   if (mtag == NULL)
     return (NULL);
m_tag_setup(mtag, MTAG_ABI_COMPAT, PACKET_TAG_PF, sizeof(struct pf_mtag));
   mtag->m_tag_free = pf_mtag_delete;
   bzero(mtag + 1, sizeof(struct pf_mtag));
   m_tag_prepend(m, mtag);
 return ((struct pf_mtag *)(mtag + 1));

Where pf_mtag_delete is a wrapper around uma_zfree().


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