Luiz Otavio O Souza wrote:
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 9:30 AM
In FreeBSD there is only ARP level LB, that is in some cases
just not enough for load balancing.
Is there any plans to port IP level LB from OpenBSD, and,
if yes, will it be ported to 7x and 6x?
In my opinion, full CARP realization is one step towards
LVS-equal functionality.
Curious as to your specific needs. Is LAGG load balancing of no use
at IP level?
hmm... with lagg you have two (or more) phisical connections sharing
the same ip, with carp you will have two (or more) servers sharing the
same ip.
i think lagg will not help.
i would like to give a try on carp ip balance, but i dont have the
time for now. i also like to known if someone else is working on this.
The way that we deploy IP level load balancing, we have 2 PF firewall
routers on the network edge that handle the IP load balancing using
round robin route to. (We are using direct sender reply) Then we have
2+ nodes with a carp address for each node, with backups on the other
nodes. These carp addresses are the addresses used in the route to
rule. The public IP's are assigned to the loop back interfaces of the
application nodes and the default gateway of the application nodes is
back out the PF firewalls.
Here is a diagram to help explain:
AFAIK there is no Layer 3 load balancing support built in to carp in
FreeBSD, however this solution will work if you have firewalls that can
help you out with the distribution.
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