Hello! I want to ask you have equivalent commands in FreeBSD and if what they 
are. Commands that are talking ip rou, ip roule.Also want to know if FreeBSD is 
doing better than Linux Kernel
2.6.8 in
the role of Bridge, Router, VPN and quality of some PPOE hub.
Interested if FreeBSD is doing better than Linux. And say how pps /
mbit / gigabyte packages may adopt or failure for a second. The idea is
this to say that I have internet service provider and have a link from
500mb / s if FreeBSD will cope better with this. Example of one of the
things that are referred to ask below.If you can do some tests and
comparisons will be very grateful.This is very important to me and is
of great importance.

ip rou add via table fake
ip rule add from table fake
ip rule add from table fake pref 12000

These examples say what will appear to IPFW. If you can do something.


When you dream there are no rules, people can fly, anything can happen. 
Sometimes there is a moment as you are awakening when you become aware of the 
real world around you, but you are still dreaming. You may think you can fly 
but you do better not try. People can fly.

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