Hello Henri,
Thank you for your kindness to help me on this.. I have generated the key and 
and edit my named.conf as per your instruction. I have also tried your script 
which work great. What i would like to find out more is that how to modify this 
script so that it provides flexibility without having to specify the host in 
the script? 
what i mean is that.. i could select add or delete option from CLI and able to 
add any host to forward & Reversing Zone of my DNS from my freeBSD CLI?

Thanks again.



buka wainhira la hatene, buka atu hatene liu tan 


From: Henri Hennebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Roberto de Sousa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: freebsd-net@freebsd.org
Sent: Tuesday, 28 October, 2008 12:35:08 AM
Subject: Re: NSupdate from CLI

Roberto de Sousa wrote:
> Hello all,
> Can someone direct me where to go to find out example of how to create a 
> script using nsupdate from CLI to add host to forward and reversing zone of 
> DNS?
> I am new to Unix and just installed my freeBSD box which running apache and 
> BIND last month.
> Any advise or information will be highly appreciated.

In your named.conf you have eg:

         zone "example.com" {
                 type master;
                 file "dynamic/db.example.com";
                 allow-update { key host1.example.com.; };
         key "host1.example.com." {
                 algorithm hmac-md5;
                 secret "XXXX...XXXX==";

and on host1 you use this script:

/usr/bin/nsupdate -y host1.example.com.:XXXX...XXXX== \
     1>/dev/null 2>&1 <<EOF
server ${NSSERVER}
update delete $MYNAME. A
update add ${MYNAME}. 60 A ${MYADDR}

The key can be generated by

dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n ENTITY password

Le line Key: in Kpassword.+157+xxxxxx.private
contains a key witch can be used in place off XXXX...XXXX==

> Thanks all.
> Roberto
> buka wainhira la hatene, buka atu hatene liu tan 
> abracos 
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