> Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2008 13:18:35 -0100
> From: "Eduardo Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
> I want to start a migration education to IPv6, setting up my internal
> network to be 100% ipv6-only. I dont want it to be dual stacked,
> because I intend to force my team to perform only IPv6 related tools
> on the internal network. However, when performing internet activity
> like, reading e-mail or browsing the web, its impossible to avoid IPv4
> today.
> I want them to be able to reach IPv4 network (internet) transparently.
> When DNS resolve to IPv4, they will ask the gateway (ipv6, dual
> stacked), who will put their v6 address in the v4 network.
> How can I accomplish that? Is NAT-PT the only way? If so, how can I
> get NAT-PT on FreeBSD?
> Your opinion: do you think this approach can be used for end users? I
> mean, someone with windows vista and teredo, is already getting IPv6
> address since my FreeBSD is advertising it. However they are dual
> stacked. I want people to be v6-only and still can visit v4 networks
> transparently, without technical knowledge (say, my girlfriend who is
> not a geek).
> I guess this is a migration/education strategy, which I intend to
> deploy, but right now I am only studying.
> Will faith(4) do this for me?

I suspect that this is simply not quite possible today, although it's

The BEHAVE IETF working group is the place to look for the latest
information on this area.

I have tried a couple of solutions. The one that worked best was IVI,
developed in China. It generally worked well and was fairly fast. It's
big problem is embedded IPv4 addresses in things like JavaScript. This
is a workable problem, but it has not been worked to this point.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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