Eduardo Meyer wrote:
> # ifconfig rl0 inet netmask
> # ifconfig rl0 ether 00:02:4f:0a:ce:f3
> I ask you some help, how can I accomplish both tasks with rc_ng? In 
> /etc/rc.conf

Somebody might have a hint for a single ifconfig command, but you can
also create the file /etc/start_if.rl0 with any additional commands to
be run by rc. This will get sourced automatically by rc _before_ the
value of ifconfig_rl0 in /etc/rc.conf. 

For example, in /etc/rc.conf, leave

| ifconfig_rl0="inet netmask"

And in /etc/start_if.rl0, add:

| ifconfig rl0 ether 00:02:4f:0a:ce:f3

Chris Cowart
Network Technical Lead
Network & Infrastructure Services, RSSP-IT
UC Berkeley

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