Joe Marcus Clarke writes:
> On Sun, 2008-09-21 at 03:26 +0530, Ashish Shukla आशीष शुक्ल wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there anyone, who is porting NetworkManager[1] to FreeBSD ? If yes, I
>> would like to be a tester or contributor to the effort.

> It's been on our ideas list for a while, and I think someone mentioned
> they were working on it a few months ago (check the archives).  I held a
> desktop discussion at the last BSDCan, and Kris Moore of PC-BSD
> suggested it may be easier to port their network manager
> ( from KDE to

> In the meantime, I did a GNOME PBI for PC-BSD, and added hooks to make
> use of some of PC-BSD's admin tools.  The result was positive.  However,
> it would be great to have working GTK+/GNOME native tools.

Thanks for the reply.

But, that looks like a static network configuration tool.

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