in the (short so far) thread which i am hijacking, the issue came
out of what is a good mechanism for reading the route table from
the kernel, since FreeBSD currently uses /dev/kmem and this is not
always available/easy to use with dynamically changing data structures.

The routing table is only one instance of potentially many similar
data structures that we might want to fetch - others are the various
firewall tables (the output of 'ipfw show'), possibly bridging
tables, socket lists and so on.

The issue is actually twofold.

The interface problem, or how to pull bits from the kernel, is so
easy to be almost irrelevant -- getsockopt, sysctl, kmem, or some
special file descriptor does the job as long as the underlying chunk
of data does not change (or can be locked) during the syscall.

The real problem is that these data structures are dynamic and
potentially large, so the following approach (used e.g. in ipfw)

        enter kernel;
        get shared lock on the structure;
        navigate through the structure and make a linearized copy;
        copyout the linearized copy;

is extremely expensive and has the potential to block other activities
for a long time.

Accessing /dev/kmem and follow pointers there has probably the risk
that you cannot lock the kernel data structure while you navigate
on it, so you are likely to follow stale pointers.

What we'd need is some internal representation of the data structure
that could give us individual entries of the data structure on each
call, together with extra info (a pointer if we can guarantee that
it doesn't get stale, something more if we cannot make the guarantee)
to allow the navigation to occur.

I believe this is a very old and common problem, so my question is:

do you know if any of the *BSD kernels implements some good mechanism
to access a dynamic kernel data structure (e.g. the routing tree/trie,
or even a list or hash table) without the flaws of the two approaches
i indicate above ?


[original thread below just for reference, but i believe i made a
fair summary above]

On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 10:19:55AM +0100, Robert Watson wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Sep 2008, Debarshi Ray wrote:
> >>unfortunatly netstat -rn uses /dev/kmem
> >
> >Yes. I also found that FreeBSD's route(8) implementation does not have an 
> >equivalent of 'netstat -r'. NetBSD and GNU/Linux implementations have such 
> >an option. Any reason for this? Is it because you did not want to muck 
> >with /dev/kmem in route(8) and wanted it to work with PF_ROUTE only? I 
> >have not yet gone through NetBSD's route(8) code though.
> Usually the "reason" for things like this is that no one has written the 
> code to do otherwise :-).  PF_ROUTE is probably not a good mechanism for 
> any bulk data transfer due to the constraints of being a datagram socket, 
> although doing it via an interated dump rather than a simple dump operation 
> would probably work.  Sysctl is generally a better interface for monitoring 
> for various reasona, although it also has limitations.  Maintaining 
> historic kmem support is important, since it is also the code used for 
> interpreting core dumps, and we don't want to lose support for that.
> Robert N M Watson
> Computer Laboratory
> University of Cambridge
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