At Tue, 15 Jul 2008 22:54:11 +0200,
Thomas Vogt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> Since i updated my FreeBSD 6.3 dns server with the latest bind  
> >> version
> >> in the ports (dns/bind94) my system is flooding my log with "too many
> >> open file descriptors" messages.
> >>
> >> Is there something i can do?
> >
> > How many sockets is named actually using while it makes this log
> > message?  Try, e.g,
> > % sockstat | grep named | wc -l
> Not that many:
> sockstat | grep named | wc -l
>       996

Ah, it's actually quite a lot in this context:-)

If that's regularly happening, I'm afraid recent P1 versions don't
handle that well, and recommend you try 9.4.3b2 ore 9.5.1b1.

JINMEI, Tatuya
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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