Dear All,

Recently i've been upgrading some of my machines from FreeBSD 6.x amd64 to FreeBSD 7.0 amd64.

After upgrading I noticed a weird error/bug. It seems that after several thousand TCP connections some seem to hang in 'CLOSED' state.

netstat -n gives:
tcp4      0       0*       CLOSED
tcp4      39      0*       CLOSED
tcp4      35      0*       CLOSED
tcp4      38      0*       CLOSED
tcp4      41      0*       CLOSED
tcp4      39      0*       CLOSED

These never go away; they gradually increase and increase until the application starts giving errors (probably because some socket or filedescriptor limit is reached). When the application is killed these entries disappear.

The application in question is a self written DNS server, multithreaded, and running fine for years without any troubles on both BSD 5.x as well as 6.x. Also 32bits as well as 64bits on 6.x.

Ofcourse that doesn't mean that the application is error free, however, after doing extensive testing I really can not find anything wrong with the application itself, so I'm thinking maybe there's a change somewhere that causes this? I know that tcp/network has been completely redone...

What basically happens in the application is this:
- one main tcp thread runs an infinite while loop waiting for new connections to arrive - as soon as one arrives a new thread is spawned that handles the newly created stream
 - it reads some bytes, writes some bytes, then closes it
 - thread exits

What appears to happen is this: after the new thread is spawned it tries to read 2 bytes (DNS tcp length information). It gets back 0 bytes (EOF) and therefore closes the sockets and calls pthread_exit. However in netstat that same stream oftenly appears to have bytes 'stuck' in the in queue...

I really can't see how this can cause hanging sockets in 'CLOSED' state. Even if the incoming queue isnt read entirely a call to close should close it. Also I really can't find any documentation in netstat, or elsewhere, about the 'CLOSED' state...

Any help would greatly be appreciated!

Kind Regards,

Ali Niknam
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