tmm wrote:
Boris Kochergin wrote:
tmm wrote:
Bruce M. Simpson wrote:
tmm wrote:
So, can anyone suggest how I can send a limited broadcast (on an
interface that has been initalized with an IP and a subnet)?
Use the IP_ONESBCAST option and send to the network broadcast
address for that subnet. The stack will change it into on output. See man page ip(4) for details.
It's a hack, but it's largely due to how the stack has worked
Thanks. I wasn't aware of that option.
But now I find that this option is not present in my (eCos port of)
FreeBSD stack. Either it was removed during the port, or the ported
version is too old.
Perhaps the best thing for me to do is to look at the 'normal'
FreeBSD stack (as opposed to the eCos one) and see how IP_ONESBCAST
is implemented. Then perhaps I could do the same thing in my
FreeBSD stack.
Is there a way for me to download the FreeBSD source code without
actually downloading, burning, and installing FreeBSD? Looking
around the FreeBSD website I don't see a source download link.
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You can get them via CVS:
Also, although it, too, may be considered hacky, if the system you're
working on has pcap(3), you could just manually craft the broadcast
frame and send it out the interface yourself. I can provide some
sample code.
Yes, that is what I was looking for - I'll use cvsup/csup to get the
I don't have pcap, but I do have access to the lower layers of the
stack, so yes, I would be interested in seeing your code. Doing
something like that might turn out to be a better solution for me.
Thanks a lot.
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That's some code I wrote a while ago that detects ARP attacks against a
configured set of IP/Ethernet address pairs on broadcast networks, and
sends out gratuitous ARP requests in an attempt to correct the
situation. The relevant function here is sendGratuitousARPRequest() in
arpCounterattack.hpp. It constructs a gratuitous ARP frame and sends it
out the configured interface.
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