
On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 08:23:13AM +0000, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
>> I had the same problem, and temporarily worked around it by disabling
>> SACK:
> ok, here we go...
> as I had explained on freebsd-net@ lately there had been 2 changes to
> possibly fix this issue.
> I am currently in the process to find out which of the two is actually
> needed and which of the two prior versions caused the problems.
> I have a testbed setup and will have it running for another day or so.
> So could you try to reproduce your problems with the following three
> servers (if you could ask your affected customers to test and
> report back to you that would be highly appreciated as well).

I just got access to a remote PC which has the problem, finally. It runs
Windows 2000, service pack 4.

> Simply open the following URLs in a browser is enough. If you can
> see the pages, fine. If you cannot, tell me which worked, which
> didn't.
> http://tcptest1.sbone.de/

This URL does not work, I get "siden kan ikke vises" (page can not be
displayed in Norwegian).

> http://tcptest2.sbone.de/

This URL works fine, I get the FreeBSD 7.0 TCP options test page.

> http://tcptest3.sbone.de/

This URL does not work, I get "siden kan ikke vises" (page can not be
displayed in Norwegian).

> I have a tcpdump running on my side so all connections will be fully
> logged.


Your patch on
fixes the problem for me, with SACK still being on as it is by default.
I would be much happy if this fix could find it's way to RELENG_7_0 and

Thanks a lot!


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