On Mon, 24 Mar 2008, Christian S.J. Peron wrote:

I just want everyone to know that I have completed the zerocopy bpf commit. Please be on the "lookout" for any strange bpf related issues.

For people that want to test the new zerocopy bpf implementation, a patch can be found here:


Any comments, patches etc can be sent to Robert Watson (rwatson@) or myself.

FYI, right now there is a known issue in which only one of the two BPF buffers can be owned by user processes at a time. As a result, when acking one buffer, it's almost always the case that userspace will enter select() even though another buffer is essentially ready, leading to a system call being generated for each buffer even though that's undesirable. I'm working on some changing allowing both buffers to be owned by userspace at a time, but it will be a couple of weeks before that enters CVS. I believe that the current libpcap patches should keep working with that fine, although of course, we'll see. :-) The bpf.4 documentation is very careful to warn that applications should not assume that there are any invariants about the number of buffers assigned to userspace at a time.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
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