
I posted a similar message to Questions but received no
answer so I'm reposting a paraphrase here to see if anyone

I built FreeBSD 7.0 with options DIVERT and if_bridge to
see if I could make snort_inline work with the bridging
firewall I'm building. I found that the divert would not
direct packets to snort_inline which sounded a little like
the experiences people had when they tried to do this
with the pre-6.x bridge.

Is it still not possible to use divert with if_bridge? Here
is what I'm seeing in ipfw.

65000  48  7382 count ip from any to any
65001   0     0 divert 8300 ip from any to any
65010  48  7382 allow ip from any to any

Thank you,
Chris Pratt

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