On Wed, March 12, 2008 8:38 pm, Sean Chittenden wrote:
>> interface ethernet 1/g1
>> switchport mode trunk
>> switchport trunk allowed vlan add 10
>> exit
> I think this is an issue with default VLAN membership.  I have this
> config running on *hundreds* of servers without issue.  Since Dell
> should be a cisco rip-off, on your switchport config, throw in
> (haven't tested this, on dell's CLI):
>   switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
> then change your ifconfig foo to:
> cloned_interfaces="vlan10 vlan11"
> ifconfig_re0="media 100baseTX mediaopt full-duplex"
> ifconfig_vlan10="vlan 10 vlandev re0"
> ifconfig_vlan10_alias0="inet netmask"
> ifconfig_vlan11="vlan 11 valndev re0"
> ifconfig_vlan11_alias0="inet netmask"
> FWIW, I think you'll find fewer gray hairs if you stick to the
> convention of using a vlan device that has the same VLAN tag.  You may
> be able to have a default VLAN, but I consider it poor practice to
> rely on default VLAN membership.
> There are good reasons to have a default VLAN configured, but this
> doesn't sound like one of those cases.
> Stick with explicit VLAN tagging on your servers and you can't go wrong.
> -sc
> --
> Sean Chittenden
> http://sean.chittenden.org/

For what it's worth: I am using the above setup a lot and that works fine
for me!

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