A little progress.
I have a machine with a KTR enabled kernel running.
Another machine is running David's ffs_vfsops.c's patch.
I left two other machines (GENERIC kernels) running the packet loss test
overnight. At ~ 32480 seconds of uptime the problem starts. This is
close to a 16 bit overflow... See http://www.eng.oar.net/~maf/bsd6/
p1.png and
http://www.eng.oar.net/~maf/bsd6/p2.png. The missing impulses at 31
marks are the intervals between test runs. The window of missing
(timestamps between two packets where a sequence number is missing)
is usually less than 4us, altough I'm not sure gettimeofday() can be
trusted for measuring this. See https://www.eng.oar.net/~maf/bsd6/
Things I'll try tonight:
o check on the patched kernel
o Try KTR debugging enabled before and after an expected high
latency period.
o Dump all files to /dev/null to trigger the behavior.
I would expect the vnode problem to look a little different on the
loss graphs over time. If this leads anywher I'll add a counter
before the msleep() and see how often it's getting there.
On Dec 17, 2007, at 5:24 AM, David G Lawrence wrote:
I noticed this as well some time ago. The problem has to do with
processing (syncing) of vnodes. When the total number of allocated
in the system grows to tens of thousands, the ~31 second periodic sync
process takes a long time to run. Try this patch and let people
know if
it helps your problem. It will periodically wait for one tick (1ms)
500 vnodes of processing, which will allow other things to run.
Index: ufs/ffs/ffs_vfsops.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_vfsops.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.290.2.16 ffs_vfsops.c
*** ufs/ffs/ffs_vfsops.c 9 Oct 2006 19:47:17 -0000
--- ufs/ffs/ffs_vfsops.c 25 Apr 2007 01:58:15 -0000
*** 1109,1114 ****
--- 1109,1115 ----
int softdep_deps;
int softdep_accdeps;
struct bufobj *bo;
+ int flushed_count = 0;
fs = ump->um_fs;
if (fs->fs_fmod != 0 && fs->fs_ronly != 0) { /* XXX */
*** 1174,1179 ****
--- 1175,1184 ----
allerror = error;
+ if (flushed_count++ > 500) {
+ flushed_count = 0;
+ msleep(&flushed_count, MNT_MTX(mp), PZERO, "syncw", 1);
+ }
David G. Lawrence
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